Coffee Capsule Packaging Options Encapsulated |

2022-07-23 04:40:12 By : Ms. Kary Cheng

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Java, joe, mud, decaf, brew, or whatever you want to call it, coffee is universally popular. In fact, 64% of American adults consume coffee every day totaling about 400 million cups  daily.

And with fast-paced,  on-the-go-lifestyles, single-serve coffee capsules have become the go-to packaging format. A study released just last month pegs the global coffee capsule market growing from $ 8,327 million in 2019 to reach $14,062 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.0%.

According to the report, “Coffee capsule refers to coffee that’s vacuum-packed in a plastic or aluminum package instead of a paper filter [Ed note: Those are pods, which I didn’t know until researching this report]. The benefit is that the vacuum packing ensures the hygiene and prevents external agents, such as oxygen, humidity, and heat, from entering. Capsules are simple to use and keep the coffee stays fresher for longer. They are usually designed to be used with a single brand or system and are not interchangeable with other systems.”

The growing capsule market has also expanded in materials used, including plastic, aluminum, and now, bamboo.

We’ve assembled a number of recent Tweets that message capsules’ sustainability in various materials, so grab a cuppa and relax.

Any market with its own summit has something going for it.

Our coffee experts are at the @Contact_AMI Single-Serve Capsules Global Virtual Summit. Join us today

They are available in aluminum…

It’s #fairtradefortnight and here at Dualit, we are committed to providing sustainable and ethically sourced products. Our Aluminium #Coffee Capsules are @FairtradeUK certified, meaning our coffee is sourced from 100% Fairtrade producers.

And they are available in compostable/biodegradable forms…

Do you love coffee? Like being healthy too? Then you’ve gotta try this Premium Arabica coffee with spirulina! Plus the capsules are 100% biodegradable and compostable. EUROPA® Espresso Coffee To order, call 571.358.9268

And for the truly eco-minded, there are reusable capsules.

Reusable Compatible Nespresso Coffee Capsules simplified. #design #wallstickers

One of the newest developments: capsules made of bamboo.

Bamboo coffee pods? The little capsules that fuel Keurig and Nespresso machines have always been questioned about their sustainability, but a UBC professor has come up with an answer. #coffee

In fact, there’s a kind of capsule war between material options.

"Covim Caffé was one of the early adopters of [A Modo Mio's] compostable capsules," Flavio Di Marcotullio remarked, adding that Nespresso, Lavazza Blu, and several Keurig-style capsule marketers had joined as well, just to name a few. @STiRCoffeeTea

Capsules can be recycled through multi-brand recycling programs like this new launch in the UK.

Nestlé, Jacobs Douwe Egberts launch coffee pod recycling

Lastly and failing all other options, there is TerraCycle, the upcycling company that makes the unrecyclable recyclable.

Enjoy your coffee, #wastefree! #Recycle #coffee capsules and other beverage capsules with Zero Waste Box™ #zerowasteboxlife Order yours today

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